Monday, January 25, 2016

Kitty Stars

Check out some of the cute short films entered in the 2016 Catdance Festival!
 I love how cats truly own the Internet. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day!

Squirrels are part of our urban landscape and just like birds, they are not only important in our ecosystem but super fun to watch! The infant squirrels who years ago fell out of a very tall tree into my back yard may or not still be around  (I cannot tell them apart). Those four squirrels had been bottle fed for a month by a licensed wildlife rehab center and while not exactly tame, they weren't afraid of humans. I felt some obligation to feed them during the fall and winter months and continue to do so. So now all the squirrels living in my garden share a bowl of sunflower seeds and peanuts in the colder months and help themselves to whatever fruit and vegetables I attempt to grow. They prefer zucchini blossoms to the actual zucchini so I never have to worry about a glut of giant zucchinis like a lot of gardeners, or even having any squash actually. Oh well, the kitties and I think squirrels are cute and enjoy having them around so I can buy zucchini at the farmer's market if I want...

Monday, January 11, 2016

How Catified is your Home?

Here are some shots of two very kitty-friendly homes! Scarlett is a 4 year old orange tabby who requires a lot of stimulation in her daily life. Trout as well, is a busy little person. Their parents encourage these smarties to be curious and confident with lots of enrichment options such as a variety of scratching/scent marking options, climbing levels, and spots to "cave." When the kitties are at home on their own the blinds are open so kitties can watch the world outside and enjoy sun breaks.

Scarlett at the top of her four-in-one condo. She can use the chairs for climbing as well. Hanging in front of the window is a humming bird feeder that Scarlett's people keep filled. There is also a large tree squirrels scamper on in Scarlett's view.

Scarlett observing me in her kingdom. In addition to the large kitty condo, Scarlett can choose to scratch the sisal rope post for a different texture.The centerpiece of the room is her leopard print tunnel. This is particularly fun to hide out in when playing with da bird or a laser.

Trout enjoying the warm indoors on a clear but chilly day. The corner window gives him an incredible view of the neighborhood and the urban wildlife.

Trout has probably spotted the neighbor kitty across the street in this picture. Being up high allows him to feel secure.

If your kitty isn't using her kitty condo, moving it to a different area with more of a view or near where you spend a lot of time will help. If your cat is climbing on a certain chair or other piece of furniture repeatedly, that is probably a good spot to put her own condo. Remember that offering a more interesting alternative is the best way to redirect a behavior you dislike. Cats need to scent mark belongings in their home, which is what scratching your sofa accomplishes. Either a cardboard scratcher or a sturdier post near or next to the couch should make them happy. Their own bed on the sofa or near it would also be ideal. I hope this makes you excited to arrange your living space so that your feline family members get maximum enjoyment from the home you share!