Misha, Cole and Odin share a heated bed in the sunshine on a cool autumn afternoon. |
As the weather turns chilly and we start to think about the upcoming holidays and new year, it's both a time to prepare and look back. With Election Day behind us, we can be proud as Americans that Florida will enact a ban on greyhound racing and 11 tracks in that state will close forever. Like animal based circuses such as Ringling Bros., attendance was down making it unprofitable to continue to exploit animals. Even China closed it's only legal dog track earlier this summer and volunteers are working on getting the dogs placed into loving homes. In California, Prop 12 passed by a landslide, and will require that eggs, veal and pork sold in that state come only from cage-free animals. This historic law will hopefully set a precedence for the rest of the country as more consumers become educated to the atrocities of factory farming and demand changes. (In Washington State, a 2011 bill eliminated a total phase out of battery cages for egg laying hens along with mandatory enrichment, such as having perches available, by 2026.)
November is often a busy month with preparation for either traveling, house guests, or both. It's definitely time to book for pet sitting if you are going to be away. Choose a professional sitter who pet sits as a career and not just a part-time job, has years of animal care experience along with references from folks whose companion animals she has cared for over the years, and has insurance in case something in your home gets accidentally damaged or your pet gets injured while in her care. If you will be home and hosting guests, be sure to put your dogs and kitties' collar and tags on - splurge on a cute, new collar so they look their best for the party! Some kitties may do best however not actually attending but lounging in a quiet room closed off from noisy guests. Be watchful that your dogs or cats do not get into food or drinks that will make them ill. "People food" isn't necessarily bad for them, but ingesting rich, fatty food, alcohol, sweets (especially xylitol and dark chocolate) and cooked poultry bones could require a trip to the emergency clinic.
I'm sure your kitties will be tops on the list of everyone and everything you feel grateful for in your life. Our companion animals provide us with unconditional love, help us relax (petting a sweet, furry animal can actually lower your heart rate), and entertain us with their antics and expressions. They truly are "our sunshine" on dark and stormy Northwest days.
Have a cozy autumn!